You have a chance to win this Cameo...
Rules are simple we don't want to make everyone
crazy trying to figure out how they can win it this
crazy trying to figure out how they can win it this
RULES for entering Contest are as follows.
2} Must be a follower of The Royal Castle Shoppe {HERE}
3}LIKE my fan page on FB {HERE}
4}Follow me on Twitter {HERE}
5} Follow me on Pinterest {HERE}
6} Join my FB Group {HERE}
That give you six chances to win!
And if you want to share
this event on your FB page that's a bonus chance to win!

The Queen will have lots of daily runner up prizes too!
Come back each day to see what the daily prize!
Comment below you're done the above and your name will be
entered into the drawing for a brand new Cameo !!
Contest will go from 01/25/2013 ~ 02/28/2013
Winner will be picked an announced on
The Scrapbooking Queen's Blog and FB Page
March 4th, 2013
6} Join my FB Group {HERE}
That give you six chances to win!
And if you want to share
this event on your FB page that's a bonus chance to win!

The Queen will have lots of daily runner up prizes too!
Come back each day to see what the daily prize!
Comment below you're done the above and your name will be
entered into the drawing for a brand new Cameo !!
Contest will go from 01/25/2013 ~ 02/28/2013
Winner will be picked an announced on
The Scrapbooking Queen's Blog and FB Page
March 4th, 2013